Please fill out this form to request access to our investment analysis tools or to have us help you make a free and no obligation evaluation of a property you are considering to buy as an investment.

One or our analysis tools we use is This tool will help evaluate a property as both a long-term rental and a sort-term rental (vacation rental) in Logan and Cache Valley to determine which option may be more beneficial. Additionally, we use to look at any potential investments as well. Both will help us with accurate, relevant and timely analysis of potential investment properties in just minutes. Making our own analysis without using these tools may otherwise take us days or weeks to gather all the information necessary to make informed decisions.

Additionally, our property managers are always very well informed of market rental rates, both for long-term and short-term rentals. These markets can fluctuate on a weekly basis and since our managers work with the public, they are very in tune with the market and can tell you with accuracy what a property can be rented for at any given moment. This may not sound very scientific but it is very accurate nonetheless and serves to confirm our analysis from our data mining tools.

Feel free to reach out with any questions. Your information is kept private to Catalyst alone and we never sell information to any third party.