Reliable Inspections to Diagnose Risk Before Damage Occurs
A proactive maintenance program for your property is vital for maintaining your property’s value, limits your liability, keeps tenants happy, and keeps costs associated with your property as low as possible. Maintenance that occurs when something breaks is much more expensive than preventative maintenance and pre-emptive repairs and replacement. That's why we insist on regular inspections by seasoned professionals, reporting everything to you in real-time.
Safeguarding Your Cash Flow
Catalyst Property Management understands how important it is to safe guard your rental cash flow and minimize your property’s expenses. While it is true that maintenance issues can be a real drain on the profitability of a rental, one of the most important responsibilities and priorities we regard in managing your property is to safeguard and minimize these costs. As such, we have a team of preferred vendors that provide great quality work at a reasonable price, respond in a timely manner and have a long track record of being honest in their billing.
You Can Be Proactively Involved
Since Catalyst Property Management is a full-service Logan property management company, we are equipped to routinely manage all maintenance and repairs that arise at your property. However, one of the most appreciated benefits many of our property owners enjoy in working with Catalyst, is that we are allow you to be as proactively involved in the maintenance of your property as you desire. Are you handy yourself? Do you have a cousin that handy? No problem, we are on board with keeping your maintenance expenses low (so long as the work meets minimum quality standards).
A Team of Licensed and Insured Vendors
We get it, nothing can more scary that watching cash flow out the door with big, expensive and high-profile contractors that charge enormous amounts just to make a visit the property. Fortunately, if your only option is to use the Catalyst Preferred Vendors, we have already vetted them as the best to provide you with their services and we are confident you will find them competent and very reasonable.
A Proven Maintenance Program
Research shows, the approach you use in managing your property can make a big difference in the profitability of your investment. The major benefits are:
- The number of major repairs are reduced
- Increased life expectancy of appliances, fixtures and equipment
- Reduced emergency costs as technicians work on a scheduled basis instead of a crash/emergency basis to repair breakdowns
- Improved safety and quality conditions for everyone
There is an old adage can be very true, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
Watch our video to learn more about how we’ve become Cache Valley’s maintenance pros.